IIC I2C TWI 164 1604 16x4 LCD screen module character series with backlight for Arduino
LCD Display

IIC I2C TWI 164 1604 16x4 LCD screen module character series with backlight for Arduino

Condition: New
Availability: In Stock
Advance Payment Only

SKU: B321,D136,LS10,TH2,KRT

Rs.1200 Rs. 1500

This is another large blue screen LCD. As the Arduino driver's pin resources are limited, your project may not be able to use a normal LCD shield after being connected with a certain number of sensors or SD card. However, with this I2C interface LCD module, you can perform data visualization through only 2 cables. If you already have I2C devices in your project, this LCD module does not cost more resources.It's great for a project based on Arduino.

Specification # I2C Address: 0x27 # Backlight # Supply voltage: 5 V # Comes with IIC interface, which can be connected by DuPont line

Arduino test code

# Includes # Includes LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x27,16, 2); / set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 character display and 2 lines Empty configuration () { Lcd. init (); Lcd backlight (); Lcd setCursor (0, 0); Lcd Print (""); Lcd setCursor (0, 1); Lcd printing ("voltage:"); Lcd setCursor (13, 1); Lcd printing ("V");


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Adeel - March 26, 2021

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