CD4047 CD4047BM CD4047BC Low Power Monostable Astable Multivibrator
The CD4047B is capable of operating in either the monostable or astable mode. It requires an external capacitor (between pins 1 and 3) and an external resistor (between pins 2 and 3) to determine the output pulse width in the monostable mode, and the output frequency in the astable mode. Astable operation is enabled by a high level on the astable input or low level on the astable input. The output frequency (at 50% duty cycle) at Q and Q outputs is determined by the timing components. A frequency twice that of Q is available at the Oscillator Output; a 50% duty cycle is not guaranteed. Monostable operation is obtained when the device is triggered by LOW-to-HIGH transition at + trigger input or HIGH-to-LOW transition at − trigger input. The device can be retriggered by applying a simultaneous LOW-to-HIGH transition to both the + trigger and retrigger inputs. A high level on Reset input resets the outputs Q to LOW, Q to HIGH.
Features■ Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V ■ High noise immunity: 0.45 VDD (typ.) ■ Low power TTL compatibility: Fan out of 2 driving 74L or 1 driving 74LS SPECIAL FEATURES ■ Low power consumption: special CMOS oscillator configuration ■ Monostable (one-shot) or astable (free-running) operation
■ True and complemented buffered outputs ■ Only one external R and C required MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR FEATURES ■ Positive- or negative-edge trigger ■ Output pulse width independent of trigger pulse duration ■ Retriggerable option for pulse width expansion ■ Long pulse widths possible using small RC components by means of external counter provision ■ Fast recovery time essentially independent of pulse width ■ Pulse-width accuracy maintained at duty cycles approaching 100% ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR FEATURES ■ Free-running or gatable operating modes ■ 50% duty cycle ■ Oscillator output available ■ Good astable frequency stability typical= ±2% + 0.03%/°C @ 100 kHz frequency= ±0.5% + 0.015%/°C @ 10 kHz deviation (circuits trimmed to frequency VDD = 10V ±10%)
Applications• Frequency discriminators • Timing circuits • Time-delay applications • Envelope detection • Frequency multiplication • Frequency division